Join me for this 4 part series, Breathe & Meditate, to explore the foundations of pranayama – breathing techniques – as well as meditation.
We’ll look at the body – breath – mind connection, the anatomy and mechanics of breathing, the functioning of the subtle energy body, the nervous system and brain to enhance your understanding of the practices.
Breathe & Meditate will also include an introduction to SOMA breath. You can learn more about SOMA breath here. We’ll explore various ‘bio hacking’ techniques to bring about different states of relaxation, balance and wakefulness.
The breath is the bridge to conscious awareness. Once the breath becomes conscious we can use this as an integral part of our meditation practice. The meditation element will include body scans, cultivating Presence and other techniques.
There will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks
Dates: April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Class times: 18.30-19.45 French time.
Each week you’ll be given homework to do which will consist of a 10 minute daily practice as well as journalling prompts to follow, to cultivate and deepen your experience.
Participation is live at my studio or via zoom. Recordings will be available for participants.
The price is EUR 279 per person Live Participation.
Recordings only EUR 179.
Petit Paradis studio, 11 rue Emilie, Juan Les Pins. Easy parking within the residence.
” Thanks Noona for the breathwork course delivered with relaxed style, from the heart and with infectious enthusiasm. We were taught several different ways to breathe for not only a calm state but through to an energetic state which was accompanied by the theory to back it. The experience really deepened my understanding of the reasons and wonderful benefits and has armed me with a very useful tool for my wellbeing that I didn’t even know I had. It has given me a relaxed and more confident feel within myself which will be enriched with time and practise and has truly enhanced my focus for meditation. Highly recommended for anyone and everyone.” R.M.
“I started the homework yesterday. It’s like having a calming drug but with breathwork only. Just done the morning session before work, feel so relaxed and now have a healthy sense of perspective. Thank you.” E.B
“The breathwork is life changing!”
“Your course gave me a place where I could focus once again on looking after my needs. I NEEDED accountability in my days and your course gave me this. I have practiced many meditation breathing techniques when I was in my teens but it’s so beautiful to do with a guide/community. I needed this reconnection, which I wholeheartedly felt safe in, thank you Noona! I looked forward to every Tuesday for meditation, it gave me purpose, accountability, self-worth and meaning!” A.S
“I felt much better after the class already! And I slept like a baby! I included the breathing and humming and meditation exercises in my daily stretching routine and feel like it is the best complement!” S.R
“I started to understand my breathing and what it tells about current my mind-body state much more deeply, and that made me very eager to implement more breathing in to my everyday life. I can honestly say that, thanks to you, I am doing at least 2-3 minutes of breathing every morning, and I am much more conscious of my breathing patterns and habits. I feel the benefit of these short and sweet practises; I am more calm, more present and also more drawn to do meditation practises and I find myself doing much more of those”. MP
You can find out how these breathing techniques bring instant benefits here!