Hatha Yoga
Take time for yourself with 75 minutes of Hatha Yoga in Juan Les Pins Antibes. Get the body moving, the breath flowing and bring calm focus to the mind.
Wednesday Evening, Hatha Yoga
CLASSES ALSO AVAILABLE VIA ZOOM REGISTER HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/vJIrf–grD8jbVHwnoAm_y8XK0JkffjHqw Yoga Class Description Allow yourself to wind down at the end of the day with a class of Integral yoga. By the end of the session you’ll leave feeling relaxed, refreshed and calm, ready for a good night’s sleep. In this 75 minute yoga class we’ll practice a… Read More »Wednesday Evening, Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Take time for yourself with 75 minutes of Hatha Yoga in Juan Les Pins Antibes. Get the body moving, the breath flowing and bring calm focus to the mind.
Wednesday Evening, Hatha Yoga
CLASSES ALSO AVAILABLE VIA ZOOM REGISTER HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/vJIrf–grD8jbVHwnoAm_y8XK0JkffjHqw Yoga Class Description Allow yourself to wind down at the end of the day with a class of Integral yoga. By the end of the session you’ll leave feeling relaxed, refreshed and calm, ready for a good night’s sleep. In this 75 minute yoga class we’ll practice a… Read More »Wednesday Evening, Hatha Yoga
Monday evening, Yin Yoga
It’s a great way of getting into slow, deep stretching. In Yin yoga we allow the body to guide us slowly and gently into the posture, and moving in this way we start to reach the deepest layers of connective tissue.